The Splendor of Truth

Veritatis Splendor is Latin for: The Splendor of Truth. These Latin words basically define my counseling approach and practice. Identifying, accepting and encountering the Truth will bring about happiness, peace and contentment in our lives. So the goal of true counseling should facilitate the process of one coming to know, accept and understand the truth about themselves as well as the truth outside of themselves.

Our Services

Individual Therapy

We offer individual therapy for adults, adolescent and children. After an initial consultation in person or by phone, we recommend a treatment path. At that time, the client can decide if they wish to move forward with Veritatis Splendor Counseling or seek other options.

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Long Distance Therapy

We offer long-distance therapy via phone or video conferencing. Before accepting a potential long distance client, we must first determine if a person is suitable for long distance counseling.

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Dignity Based Catholic Mentoring

What if there is a way to live the truth, rejoice in and experience the goodness life has to offer more fully?

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For over twenty years I held a secret deep in my heart that caused great mental suffering. While I was functional as an adult, my beliefs and deep shame about myself affected my decisions about life. Several traumatic events occurred early in my life that added to this shame and negative beliefs and ultimately was the reason I made several bad choices…

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After experiencing years of childhood sexual, physical, and emotional abuse, I lived my entire life in a cloud of shame, guilt, fear, and self-hatred. Throughout my teenage years I lived a life of self-destruction full of high risk behaviors. Around the age of 17, I began to practice my childhood faith of Catholicism and develop a relationship with God…

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Alleviate emotional distress

While a person can feel better after a good talk with a friend or relative for moderate or severe emotional distress, this relief is only temporary at best. Talking with a trained listener helps alleviate emotional distress for good. My goal is to help you get to the very root of your emotional concerns. I offer you an opportunity to face your difficulties constructively and confidently; freeing you to enjoy all the good things life has to offer.​